Keeping your website up-to-date and in-line with new web design trends is vital for many reasons. Your website design plays a variety of roles in attracting and maintaining audience retention. It needs to be eye-catching enough to initially draw visitors attention while supporting efficient navigation. Here are a few website trends we've seen in 2017 that changed the way we interact online.


Style Points


The style factors of current web designs are continually evolving. Just last year, one of the most popular style trends focused on confined, symmetric, and static composition. However, 2017 has brought a lot of social changes, which undoubtedly influence all facets of creativity. We have shifted from a structured design trend to a more free-flowing interactive one. This new direction, referred to as "open composition," includes loosely suspended, and asymmetric elements usually positioned to cut off-screen. (This psychological design trick draws in an observer's line of sight by enticing their brain to subconsciously "finish" the hidden part of the image.)


Calm To Chaos


One of the most noticeable trends in website design is the shift from minimalism to chaos. The web design community was highly receptive to this due to the increased amount of creative freedom. It has also brought to life an increased demand for decorative elements. A highly talented graphic designer can even use this artistic freedom to highlight certain parts of your website to guide visitors. Due to rapidly shifting website preferences, it is vital to revamp your site at least every other year to avoid appearing outdated.


The Use Of Video Content


For years video content has been available on websites. However, we made significant progress in their functional presentation. The most impressive of these is the addition of video headers, which are even available with a responsive design. The highlighted video is still an up-and-coming trend that has not yet peaked! In fact, If you are planning on redesigning your website, make video headers a focus or at least an option. (If you follow this recommendation, make sure you use high-quality, professionally shot footage.)


A website design's focus is an aesthetically pleasing display of digital content in an easily digestible format. Not to mention, a modern design demonstrates that your business makes cutting edge technologically a priority. Yet, these are only a few of the functions of your website's visual representation. To learn more about the website design options available or what's currently trending, feel free to contact us today!