We're celebrating our first official year of WebWiz@rd 3 here at REM and I thought it would be a great time to share some of my experience and thoughts related to it.

Now for part 3, the Launch Customers.


Launch Customers


  • We took an inventory of all of our customers and listed them in order of simplest website mechanics to most complicated website mechanics.
  • We further subdivided the list into three equal groups to better stage our migrations.  
  • The first group of customers included some of our favourite sites such as waterloowellingtondiabetes.cawarmembrace.cadearbornhealth.com and circlerockinc.com
  • Each site that we moved over increased our confidence in our product and our game plan, which was immensely rewarding.
  • We added new features and refined code with each new migration.
  • This also marked the first time Rob started demonstrating and selling WebWiz@rd 3.0 to new customers.  
  • WebWiz@rd 2.0 had entered the deprecated phase of it's life. (Although we still have some people using it to this day)
  • We had "proved" our product worthiness once again, and it was now time to enhance, refine and build more modules.


Stay tuned for the second and third phase customer recap in my next post.


Photo Courtesy: Charles Rondeau