Data by StatCounter shows that internet usage via mobile devices mobile devices exceeded the use of desktops in late 2016. This difference has continued to increase over time as mobile manufacturers continue to launch more affordable smartphones and tablets.


Traditional web development techniques did not consider mobile devices. If you haven't considered mobile optimization for your site, you are losing business each day. Here is how you can ensure that your website satisfies the needs of mobile users.


1. Make Your Site Responsive

Website responsiveness, in this case, refers to how your site behaves when loaded on devices of different sizes. Mobile users should access your pages in full with minimal scrolling and zooming.

Sites that are 100% responsive rank higher on Google than those that are problematic to mobile users. You also save time when updating one website instead of editing different versions.


2. Join the AMP Project

Web pages with lots of graphics can take considerable time to load, and slow websites put off visitors. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an initiative backed by Google to make pages load quickly on mobile devices.


AMP is a free open source framework. You may want to activate AMP on your site for fast loading and increased conversions.


3. Follow the Google Guideline for Pop-Ups


In as much as users criticize pop-ups, they are useful in conveying bursts of information. Google levies penalties for pop-ups that ruin user-experience.


Pop-ups for mobile can be cumbersome due to the limited display available on the devices. Ensure that pop-ups contain necessary information if you choose to use them. Also, they should be non-obstructive and easy to close.


The Bottom Line


Internet users have drastically changed the way they access the internet. Most of them prefer mobile devices due to their accessibility and convenience.


Don't ignore mobile optimization when developing your site. You will lose prospective customers if your site is slow or thorny to use.


Contact the experts for guidance on more web development practices that resonate with your business goals.