ChatGPT software graphic "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of AI-Generated Content"


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a prominent tool in recent years and has revolutionized several industries, most notably the world of writing. A KPMG survey showed that 1 in 5 Canadians use generative AI for school or work.


Platforms like ChatGPT or Google Gemini offer innovative new tools and possibilities that have transformed the way many writers approach their craft. Whether it's to brainstorm ideas, help structure an article, or simply aid in writer’s block, we all know that these advancements are both helpful and possibly harmful at the same time.


AI is still relatively new to most of us, so it's natural that there are some challenges and limitations to be aware of. Like any new product, it takes a lot of trial and error to evolve properly. To use AI-generated content effectively, it's important to understand its limitations.


Here, we explore the possible benefits, downsides, and consequences we may face when dabbling with AI-driven tools.



The Good Side of Generative AI

In our own adventures with generative AI tools, we've stumbled upon some pretty nifty applications that have genuinely made our lives easier and our work more efficient. We’ll call this the ‘Good’ side of generative AI.


1. Brainstorming and Creativity

When it comes to writing, brainstorming can take up quite a bit of time. And in today's fast-paced world, writers are often under pressure to produce content quickly. When you're on a tight deadline, generative AI tools can be a lifesaver for brainstorming.


Simply asking AI a question can lead to a multitude of creative ideas in a couple of seconds. One of the beneficial aspects of AI is that it doesn’t hesitate to come up with a new perspective or a different angle on a familiar topic.


While it is important to properly research these ideas on your own time, AI can help you think outside the box.


When it comes to creativity, most writers have experienced writer’s block. Some days, we aren’t fully energized or have trouble focusing–that’s just a regular human occurrence. This is another place when AI can step in to assist you.


Occasionally, we struggle to find the right word or phrase, AI can help clear those mental roadblocks. By utilizing AI to your advantage, you can maintain a creative flow and stay on top of your work.


2. Bridging Gaps in Writing

Ever struggled to find the perfect metaphor or analogy to explain a complex idea? AI can help bridge the gaps.


Sometimes, information is best understood through creative language. AI can help you craft those perfect phrases that make your writing more accessible and engaging.


AI can also be a powerful learning tool. When faced with complex topics, AI can quickly break down information into simple terms, saving you valuable research time and helping you understand the material before you write about it.


Just remember to always double-check the information yourself. AI is a great starting point, but it's not a substitute for thorough research.


3. Effectiveness in Writing

The writing process involves many steps – brainstorming, choosing a topic, outlining, drafting, and revising. Each step can be time-consuming. AI tools can help streamline this process, not by replacing your creativity, but by assisting with tasks like:


  • Quickly generating topic ideas
  • Helping structure your notes into an outline


AI isn't here to replace writers. But it can help us be more productive by streamlining certain time-consuming tasks and freeing us up to focus on creativity.




The Bad Side of Generative AI

While AI-generated content offers plenty of useful tools, it also comes with its fair share of challenges.


1. Lack of Nuance or Originality

Many people who have used AI notice that the quality of content isn’t up to standard. AI content tends to lack the personality and nuanced perspectives that a human can provide. Dry, formulaic writing that relies on cliches can come off as robotic, leaving readers feeling uninspired. And that's the last thing you want when you're trying to inspire action (which we, as marketers, most often are.)


One thing the human brain does really, really well is pick up on patterns. Generative AI tools tend to rely on common, cliché statements and sentence structures that readers can notice. The more people use AI, the better they get at knowing whether a piece of writing is written by a human.

When content feels inauthentic, readers are less inclined to take the information seriously. They might even dismiss it (and you) entirely.


2. Editing Limitations

Another facet where AI disappoints is proofreading and editing.


AI doesn't understand language the way we do. It breaks words down into tiny pieces called tokens. Because AI processes words in fragments, it often fails to when it comes proofreading for correct punctuation or grammar.


It might suggest changes that seem right on the surface, but actually create awkward or nonsensical sentences. AI is great at catching typos and simple grammar mistakes, but it struggles with more nuanced errors that require a deeper understanding of context and tone.


AI shines at the early stages of writing, helping to brainstorm and organize ideas. However, its limitations become apparent during the editing process. This is where human writers excel, bringing their expertise and creativity to create truly polished writing.


3. Negative Perceptions

Like any new technology, there are always going to be people who are skeptical or against change. Many feel that AI-written content is lazy, or disingenuous. Others criticize writers for not sticking to tradition or looking for a cop-out of the time and effort the writing process involves.

As mentioned earlier, readers quickly notice when content feels repetitive or unoriginal. People crave originality and authenticity, and when that's missing, it fosters distrust. For writers and brands alike, this loss of trust can be difficult to regain.




The Downright Ugly Side of Generative AI

No technology is perfect, but when it comes to generative AI, those imperfections can have serious consequences.


AI Hallucinations

One of the biggest problems with generative AI writing tools is what's come to be known as "hallucinations."


AI hallucinations refer to the tendency of generative AI tools like ChatGPT to confidently present false information as true. This can range from minor errors to completely fabricated information. And it’s frighteningly common occurrence.


AI hallucinations happen because, deep down, AI is just guessing. It generates outputs by finding patterns in the data it's learned from and inferring the correct answer. It doesn't really know anything, and sometimes, it sees patterns that aren't really there.


It’s a bit like writing an open-book test. You don't automatically ace the test just because you have the textbook open. It’s one thing to have access to facts and another thing to think critically, analyze information, and draw meaningful conclusions to solve problems.


Generative AI is like a student who’s memorized the textbook yet doesn’t understand it at all. It might have the correct answers somewhere in its training data, but it doesn't necessarily know how to always apply that information correctly.


Sometimes, the answers are spot-on. Other times, they're way off base.


The other problem lies with the quality of the training data. Sure, tools like ChatGPT are trained on reputable sources like peer-reviewed academic journals, well-cited books, and blogs written by industry experts. But it’s also trained on forum posts, social media comments, and satirical publications like The Onion. And it’s not all that good at knowing the difference.


The scary thing about AI hallucinations isn't just that they're wrong. It's that the AI presents these false statements with the same unwavering conviction as it does accurate information.


While many people have found humour in some of AI’s mistakes, it rightfully raises questions as to just when and how AI-generated information is safe to use.


Consequences of AI Hallucinations

While some of the ridiculous responses AI comes up with can be funny, it can also result in serious consequences.


When using generative AI for industries such as healthcare, law, and security, people may receive inaccurate information that can put the viewer at risk. AI can spread misinformation leading to false public perception, causing panic, stress, and harmful consequences.


Even when AI-generated content avoids larger mistakes, subtle misinformation can create distrust among users and readers. If the information AI provides is used to create content for thousands, if not millions of users to view on social media, it can mislead many and cause significant issues within the community.


It is now a question of whether AI technology will evolve to tackle misinformation, or if this will be a lasting problem in the generative AI space.


For now, do your own fact-checking before relying on AI-generated information. Once you have solid facts, AI can be a great tool for helping you structure and present them effectively.


Does the Bad Outweigh the Good?

While AI-driven content has both benefits and disadvantages, it doesn’t mean that AI should be banned from your writing toolkit. Rather, you should treat it more as a helpful tool and less of a necessity.


The valuable assets AI has to offer, such as brainstorming, bridging writing gaps, and enhancing efficiency, highlight that this innovative technology can evolve into something greater. However, the disadvantages, including uninspiring content quality, misinformation, and AI hallucinations, are all valid critiques that push the question of how AI can become smarter and more useful in the future.


Just like any technology, there is room for improvement. While it is a powerful tool, the most valuable part of any form of writing is the critical thinking done by a human.