Admittedly, I spend a lot of time watching videos on YouTube.  Being a "gamer", I especially enjoy the comedy team of VanossGaming, H20 Delirious, Luis Calibre, Daithi De Nogla and their various friends. If you're looking for some hilarious moments in gaming, where goofing off in-game takes precedence over playing the actual game, then look no further. It's an instant comedy fix.


Of course, for the more serious moments, I frequent channels such as VSauce, Numberphile, MinutePhysics, Smarter Every Day and Big History Project. There is no shortage of intelligence-fueled commentary on YouTube. You can literally learn about new topics in science every single day.


On the topic of YouTube from REM's perspective, it is interesting to note just how easy it is to embed videos in WebWiz@rd.  The design of our content management system allows you to place all sorts of multimedia content within your website for visitors to consume.  Here's a simple example of a video embedded within this blog post:



If you'd like to learn more about embedding YouTube, Vimeo or other video sharing site's videos on your WebWiz@rd powered website, feel free to contact our support team any time!