Optimize Your Twitter Page to Keep Your Audience Growing


optimize twitter page web design REM social media


Twitter is an easy platform for advertising your posts and reaching out to a wider market, but it's also easy for your market to overlook your content. Keep your posts notable, relevant, and interesting with these modifications.


Keep in mind that if you are looking to optimize your social media presence, it does take a significant amount of time and attention to detail. Many companies will actually employ a "Social Media Manager" to maintain, post to, and analyze the company's social media pages.


Get Twitter Cards that match your website's design 


Social media is all about catching someone's eye, and text doesn't do that anymore. The best way to stand out in your followers' Twitter feeds is to add in a graphic that shows what you have to offer. Through a bit of code added to your content, any retweets or links to your site on Twitter will also include a description and eye-catching image. Picture how visually stimulating a site like Pinterest is for generating interests, and imagine doing the same to your Twitter posts.

Create lists for segmented marketing 


If you offer a wide range of services within your niche, not every follower will want every bit of news you have to offer. Instead of running the risk of overloading your customers with updates and losing them, you should manage your followers and contacts into different lists that receive the tweets that are relevant.

Have your web designer build in UTM tracking


Analyzing where your traffic comes from and what your visitors are doing is one of the best sources of information you have for knowing what your customers and leads really want. Having specific data about which types of tweets are the most effective is just as useful because it helps you spend your time on the marketing that works. Have your web designer customize your URLs so you can keep track. Using a service such as Hootsuite will accomplish this, as the URLs created when posting actually have built-in analytics tracking.


Using your social media pages effectively is just as much about analyzing data on the back end as it is about creating good local posts to generate interest in Kitchener, Cambridge Guelph, and Waterloo. Make sure you have the tools in place to promote your business effectively. If you have any additional questions about this, let us know and we will get back to you!