In our latest offerings of Web Wiz@rd, we have started to look back at our previous efforts to find places where we can optimize our presentation layer to benefit both ourselves (decreasing data exchange across our servers) and our customers.  From the outset, WebWiz@rd has been built on a reliable and secure platform to ensure the integrity of our customers' data.  As a result, we had to initially dedicate more time to solidifying our core processes and less time to building "extras" for our user-interfaces.  We're now finding the time to look back at those interfaces in order to refine those interface processes, as well, to better server our customers.


Take, for example, our now near-universal approach to large lists of data in modules such as Page Content. Users can choose how many pages they want to see, what types of pages are visible in the list and even filter the results based on simple sorting tools.  This may seem trivial, but it took a concerted effort to nail down how we wanted these simple tools to work for our customers while not detracting from their regular use of our modules.  We didn't want to change how our customers use our software, we just wanted to augment that use in order to enhance the experience.


I think we achieved what we set out to do, and going forward our plan is to continue with this trend across newly developed modules.  We have a few more tricks up our sleeves that we'll showcase in the future, too.  Keep your eyes on WebWiz@rd!