Thanks to Jamie, I am especially happy with our new guiding principles of REM. Although these items are not new in the way we do things we wanted to make sure our staff and clients know what to expect when dealing with our team.  It helps to remind us what is most important.


The 6 7 Guiding Principles of REM

  1. Customer Success Comes First - A successful customer simultaneously demonstrates our worth in the market and our strength over our competitors.
  2. Take Ownership - REM leaders own solutions.  We demonstrate our solutions by owning the problem first.
  3. Think More - There is always another option.  Always.  Find it.
  4. Improve Everything - Good enough is only good enough for now.  We improve on everything we know and do every chance we can.
  5. Congratulate the Victory - Amplify our momentum with positive recognition.
  6. Persevere - In the face of debate, challenge and confusion, we push forward.  We make it through.
  7. Customer Success Comes First - A successful customer simultaneously demonstrates our worth in the market and our strength over our competitors.

You will notice that #1 and #7 are the same.  That is because this has always been the most important philosophy we have had at REM since we started over 14 years ago.  We have always tried to go the extra mile for our customers.  We pride ourselves on personalized and responsive customer support.  Our staff are always trying to find ways to proactively help our clients.


I would also like to thank Kim for her assistance with painting the guiding principles on the wall in our office for all to see.


REM's Guiding Principles