Amanda's profile photo


We are delighted and very happy to welcome Amanda Turner as REM’s latest member in the role of Senior Copywriter & Digital Marketing Specialist! Get to know more about her in the staff bio below.



At Work


Role at REM: Copywriter, blog writer, and do-er of many miscellaneous tasks that make every day different.


Education: I studied English and Legal Studies at the University of Waterloo, then completed the graduate Paralegal program at Conestoga College.


Something That Makes Me Smile at Work: Learning fun facts about all kinds of topics and industries I never would have known if I hadn’t encountered our clients.





Web site: YouTube. My favourite channels include Rob Has a Podcast, Caitlin Doughty, Red Letter Media, LGR, ​münecat, BobbyBroccoli, Matt Orchard, MISTER MANTICORE, and Rebecca Watson.


Movie: I don’t watch a ton of movies, but I am a sucker for time travel stories, especially where characters run through the same timeframe repeatedly for different outcomes. So, I love Back to the Future.


Food: Chocolate. 


TV Show: Survivor, and the golden age seasons of The Simpsons.


Musical Artists: Primarily metal-adjacent stuff. Protest the Hero, Alexisonfire, Opeth, Animals as Leaders, Periphery.


Time of Day: 4 AM, when the streets are empty and wild animals like deer and foxes come out.


Season: Fall. Although I have been out of school for almost a decade, I still love that back-to-school feeling.


Places in the World: Algonquin Park.


Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Video gaming, freshwater aquaria, camping and hiking with my dog, making crafts, and watching documentaries and podcasts about reality TV, culture, politics, and popular science.


Sport: Skiing in the winter and bicycling spring to fall.


App: I’m really into Pokemon Sleep right now. It combines two of my favourite things.



Least Favourite


Food: Anything served on a wooden stick.

Activity: Trying to walk two dogs at once.


Time of Day: 2 PM. Lunch is long forgotten, yet dinner is still so far away…

Season: Late winter to early spring. 

Place: The Infinite Toilet Dimension (Google it).



More Info


Best Thing Someone Said to You: You can always come home.


Life Motto: Be kind to individuals and ruthless to institutions.


My Hero: My family.


One of the Things I Find Fascinating: Electoral politics. As Shep Smith said, “Politics is weird and creepy, and lacks even the loosest attachment to anything like reality.”


Most People Don’t Know This About Me: In addition to being a marketing nerd, I am also a licensed paralegal.