Photo of Colleen Legge with a blackboard collage in the background


We’re super thrilled to welcome Colleen Legge to the REM Team as a Customer Success Manager! Get to know more about her in her own words below.



At Work

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Role at REM: Customer Success Manager


Work Experience: I have many years of customer service experience under my belt, being a Sales Associate and a Manager. I would say I wear many hats when it comes to assisting customers and my strongest skill is working with people.


Something That Makes Me Smile at Work: The thing that makes me smile at work is getting little thank you emails back from clients. Guaranteed. It makes me feel good knowing we're able to help our clients. So, when they take the time to send us that small acknowledgement back, it makes smile.


.... or when my co workers come by my desk to say hello. I'm a people person, what can I say. :)




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Web Site: I'm an artist, so I love supporting my favourite artists on whatever platform they're on. Tattoo artists, digital artists, potters, etc. if it's creative and interesting, I'm probably following. Twitter, ArtStation, Tumblr, Instagram. The whole gambit. 


Books: My favourite books are more so how to/informative art books. "Anatomy for Artists: Simplified Forms" by Michel Lauricella and others in this series are excellent break downs of the human form. 


Food: I am a simple lady, I love chicken strips, good French fries, and a Coke to drink. I'm also a sucker for a good green smoothie. 


TV Show: I would say trying to pick one or two favourite shows is pretty hard considering how much I've watched over the years. I generally like sci fi/fantasy or thriller/horror. I recently have been enjoying that new Netflix show Arcane, which has beautiful animation and a super unique art style! It’s stunning! Next on my watching schedule is Midnight Mass and The Wheel of Time!


Musical Artists: My musical taste is all over the place, from full cast recordings of musicals to Billie Holiday to Chet Faker. I usually don't get control of the AUX cable because of this lol


Time of Day: Evening. I'm a night owl. 100%


Season: I love Fall and Winter. All the bugs are gone, and I can layer up and actually be fashionable. Where in the summer I struggle to survive in the heat and humidity. 


Place in the World: my home


Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Currently my fiancée and I have taken up model/kit building as a good "no screens" hobby. Besides that, I also enjoy drawing/character design/story boarding and video games!


Sport: I don't really watch or play any sports, I used to enjoy rock climbing and volley ball. I will get VERY into sports during the Olympics and suddenly think I know everything about the sport and know more than the judges to pass my own judgments and scores on the athletes haha  


App: Unfortunately, TikTok has become a favourite pass time. All those catchy song trends and hilarious meme videos. 



Least Favourites

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Food: Shrimp... I don't like the look of them and I don't like the texture. Nope. That's a hard pass.


Activity: Folding and putting away laundry. 


Time of Day: Morning or when the sun just starts going down and you get blinded by the sun when you're driving anywhere.


Season: Summer. All the bugs, the heat, the humidity. Hate it all.


Place: Dentist. I think that's pretty self explanatory. 



More Info

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Best Thing Someone Said to You: You have to be kind to yourself, and treat yourself as you would treat your closest friend. The world will be unkind to you, you don't need to be unkind to yourself. 


Life Motto: Be kind. That's it. 


My Hero: I've never really had a hero? I have lots of artists I look up to as creative inspiration, but never a hero per say. 


One of the Things I Find Fascinating: The ocean and outer space. What exactly is going on above and below us? Interesting AND scary. 


Most People Don't Know This About Me: Most people don't know that I hadn't seen any of the Star Wars films until I was in my 20's.