Illustration of truck and storefront in a cellphone


Most people during the pandemic and with this new age of technology have shifted to online sales; our sales team at REM is no exception. We here at REM have adjusted our sales and outlook on the industry as the state of world of communications has been changing over the past 3 years.


Online sales have always been a thing in the business world, but never have we been this reliant on them. Now that we are coming to the end of the pandemic some sales are moving back to in-person, but most are staying online as everyone has grown accustomed to them.


Here at REM, we like to focus on a few main points when it comes to online sales and making sure our clients have the best experience possible. This way we can ensure each one of current and future clients is well taken care of.



Communication is the foundation for a great relationship with clients. Moving to online sales has come with a new set of challenges when it comes to communications. However, we have adapted to move forward as smoothly as possible.


Being hands on with communication is a major part of sales. Communication online is very different than communication in-person. Long pauses, exaggerated expressions, verbal ticks, and rambling all come across worse over a call or video chat. Small mistakes in verbiage and the way you speak can easily be fixed in person but over video call it can come off as unrehearsed or as a bigger mistake than it was. Being clear in communication helps immensely when it comes to online sales.


Clearly communicating what you are trying to sell your client on is also a major point. When you are talking to a client in person you must explain everything in detail. However, with online sales you can provide visual aids and occasional demonstrations. This allows us to communicate better with our clients and allow them to fully understand what we are trying to sell them on.


Here at REM, we have a very hands-on support and sales team, eager to help whenever needed. Communication has always been our top priority when it comes to client relations. Because everything we do is done here in house, it makes it very easy for us communicate easily and clearly with our clients regarding any questions they may have.



Flexibility is a key skill when it comes to sales; being able to change your pitch and approach depending on the response you get from a client is very important. Sales has always been a back and forth, a conversation between two people. So, when that conversation has a distance barrier placed in the middle it makes it a little harder to have.


Being able to change on the spot depending on your client is extremely important. Moving to online meetings has come with a new set of challenges that need to be adapted for. Technology is not always easy, and clients are not always as well versed with it as you may be, so be prepared to change your approach depending on them. Some people may also not be as receptive to online meetings as others, be able to change your approach depending on how the client is responding and your call will go much easier.


Changing meeting times is also something one needs to be on the lookout for. With in-person everyone made sure to plan their days very specifically around meetings, especially if it meant having to travel. However, with online becoming more common place it is easier for people to go over time in meetings or to double book themselves. Be flexible and understanding when it comes to having to change times.


At REM, our sales and support team are happy to be flexible to fit what you need. We are happy switch meeting times with enough notice and change up our pitch if it is not working.



Most sales representatives will customize their sales pitches depending on their client. Customization is a major player in sales and making sure that you can sell to everyone, and anyone, is the key to success. Being able to customize how you sell is a great skill to have and will help you further your sales career.


Not only is customizing your pitch important, but also being able to customize your product. Allowing clients to feel as though they have control over the product or service they are purchasing, and their sales experience is key. If your client feels like they have no choice in their sales experience or in the product they are purchasing, they are less likely to want to go back to the company. Now granted, not all products are customizable, and most clients are aware of that, but a sales pitch can always be changed.


Clients know when a pitch is rehearsed and can tell if you are just reading off a script. Change it up, make it feel like you have personally designed your pitch for the person you are specifically speaking to. Being able to improvise is also a big help. Your client's mood and approach may change while you are in a meeting, so be prepared to switch it up on the spot. The last thing you want is for your client to lose interest halfway through your meeting and get bored.


At REM, we care about our clients and their experience, so our sales and support team has learned to adapt. We make sure that each client feels like they are well taken care of by the best of the best. Due to the nature of the service, we provide here at REM, we can make sure the client has full customization over their website. This allows us to continue to provide the best service we can for our clients. If they are unhappy with something we are always happy to change it until they are.



Building rapport with a client is one of the most important things when it comes to sales. Something to remember is that with long standing clients you are not just talking to them once or twice, but constantly. Making sure that you build up that rapport with them is key, it makes them feel like you care and not just because you want their sale.


Sharing jokes, talking about pets or kids, and talking about hobbies are things that can help you build up a relationship or a rapport with your client. Now yes, most of your time talking to a client should be focused on business, but, if they start talking about their kids do not cut them off. People love talking about themselves, and yes that does sound bad, but it is true. Allowing your client to talk a little bit more about themselves and their lives makes them feel like you care about them and will make them want to come back.


Building a rapport also helps you as well. Rapport with client does not just make them feel more comfortable but it can also help you. The better you know a client the easier it is to have future conversations with them and the easier it is to gear your pitches towards them. If you know how someone will react you are able to change how you act around them accordingly. The better you know a client the easier it will be to sell to them in the future.


Not only will it help you sell to them better, but it may get you personally more sales. If a client likes you specifically, they may request you time and time again as they work more with you company. They may also recommend not only your company but you to others they know, bringing in more business with your name attached.


Due to REM’s smaller size, we can have more personal one-on-one relationships with our clients. This allows us to make sure each client's needs are met. It also allows our sales and support team to better adapt to our clients as they know them more personally.


Once your company moves to a customer-focused sales approach, your staff will realise that it’s all about building relationships with your clients. They will stop focusing on pressing the sale and worrying about their commissions or close-rates and they will start to enjoy spending time with potential clients.



Moving to online has also come with working from home more, so maintaining a professional appearance has become more of a challenge. Making sure you appear at your best will affect your sales. It is also no longer just about how you look but how you background looks.


In the business world there is a certain dress code most companies prefer you to uphold. But, as people began working from home more, the dress code went out the window. However, if you have a meeting with a client you cannot show up wearing your pajamas or comfy clothes, you still need to look like a working professional. Make sure your hair is done and clean, you have on a good shirt and tie or anything else that suits you. Your appearance affects the appearance of the company, so make sure you look the part.


These days, since most people are still working from home or do a hybrid, not only do you yourself need to look good but your background does as well. Now most people do not have the time, money, or space to re-arrange their entire house to make sure they have a clean and clear working space.


However, you can limit the amount of unprofessional or distracting items in the background. That means removing most media posters, distracting knick-knacks, anything that can make noise, and if possible, keeping kids and pets away from working areas. The last thing you want during a virtual meeting is for your client to get distracted by a poster you have on the wall behind you or get upset because your cat keeps walking across your keyboard.


Take advantage of the latest technology and put in a virtual background to hide your office space if you can’t make it look professional. REM sales staff use the same branded virtual background to make sure our potential clients get a consistent experience regardless of who they are speaking to on the sales team.


At REM we have moved to a hybrid style of working, meaning our support and sales team works both in the office and from their homes. Due to this we make sure that even when they are working from home, they uphold the highest level of professionalism to ensure the best experience for our clients, both current and future.