Whenever possible, I like to support our clients.  If they have a product or service that I need or could use in my personal life, I typically consider our clients first to see if they would be the right fit.


I'm thrilled to say that I hit the jackpot with Double Dragon Martial Arts!


About a year ago, I signed my daughter up at Double Dragon for Kung Fu classes.  We didn't have any prior experience to the sport but after checking out their website and meeting Sifu Zack a couple of times I felt comfortable with giving Double Dragon a try.


Almost 12 months later, many classes in and 2 gradings later, I am very happy with my choice.  My daughter loves going to class and she is succeeding thanks to great instructors and her own personal commitment and determination.


I also starting taking kickboxing lessons this past March!  I am hooked! ... left hooked. Teeheehee!!!


The facility is clean, bright and well equipped.  The instructors are motivating, kind and have realistic expectations of their students.  It is an incredibly positive environment to be in.


Thank you to Double Dragon for your business - from REM.

Thank you to Double Dragon for teaching me kickboxing - from Jillian.