Your website is your calling card in today's day and age, so it should reflect who you are as a company. It should also be up-to-date, as consumers have become pretty savvy nowadays. They've learned to distinguish between old-fashioned websites which looked a little more like magazine pages, with alternate arrangements of images and text and contemporary websites which play a little more with form, using eye-catching images and content that has been specifically written for a web-based audience.


Given that people are going to judge you based on how your website looks, it's a good idea to keep updating it regularly, in terms of content as well as design.


Updating Your Content


In terms of content, it's easy to see why a website would need to be updated. Things are constantly going on within your company, so your website and blog should reflect that. If you have new products, new colors, new features, new services, new people on your payroll etc., you should put that on your website by altering the content.


Updating Your Website Design


What about the design itself? In what circumstances should you alter the design of your website? As web design progresses, it becomes more and more visually appealing. So you need to look back at your website and think about how visually appealing it is. You can judge it based on the other websites that you're currently exposed to. Or you can compare it with the websites of your competitors. If you feel that it's not up to par, then it is time to redesign it.


Making it Mobile-Friendly


Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that your website needs to be mobile-friendly. Earlier websites weren't necessarily mobile-friendly but as time goes on, cell phones are becoming more and more technologically advanced and people are using them to look up all types of things on the go. So if your website isn't mobile-friendly, then it's definitely time for a redesign.


Contact us for more great tips on redesigning your website as and when necessary.