Having a good SEO strategy includes more than keyword usage. One key to SEO is understanding what the search engines are looking for. You want to meet that need with content that people are searching for. Here are a few basic SEO tweaking techniques that will improve your website traffic.


Use One Primary Keyword Per Page


Pages (or posts) should have more than 350 words and should have one main SEO keyword. The length of the content matters, as does keyword density and placement. Search engines are more likely to index content over 350 words. They're less likely to index keyword-stuffed content.


Keyword Placement Is important


There are 3 main places the search engines check for keywords. Your keyword should be in the URL, in the main title, and in the description for basic SEO purposes. Adjusting your pages to fit these guidelines will improve your website traffic.


Natural Use Of Keyword In The Meat Of The Content


The keyword should be within the content naturally. A good rule of thumb is a 2.5%-4% keyword density without stuffing keywords to meet the density. The search engines prefer natural, easy to read the content.



Original Content Always


As with any type of writing, plagiarism is a huge problem online. You'll want to proof any content that's written by an outside source. There are online tools that let you scan the content and will alert you to any signs of plagiarism.


Fresh New Content Sends Signals To The Search Engine


When you publish content, it sends signals out to the search engines. This lets them know your site is active. Search engines don't want to show users dead or outdated information. You want a publishing routine with SEO content to help improve website traffic.


Still wondering how SEO can improve your website traffic further? Our REM Web Solutions team would be happy to consult with you.