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Small Business


We've written some insightful, entertaining articles that span topics from support to design to content management and beyond!

REM staff sitting in boardroom
Illustration of truck and storefront in a cellphone

Selling Remotely: The New World of Virtual Sales

Illustration of truck and storefront in a cellphone
Most people during the pandemic and with this new age of technology have shifted to online sales; our sales team at REM is no exception. We here at REM have adjusted our sales and outlook on the industry as the state of world of communications has been changing over the past 3 years.
Learn more about Selling Remotely: The New World of Virtual Sales >>
Laptop with the warning icon on it


Laptop with the warning icon on it
In the past few weeks, I’ve received several messages from people that consist of a screenshot of a text message or email followed by one word “Scam?”. Invariably, they were all scams. So, I figured it might be a good idea to make a blog post with some tips on picking out whet...
Learn more about Scams >>
Illustration depicting people working on building a website on a large laptop

Building a Website for Your Small Business

Illustration depicting people working on building a website on a large laptop
Congratulations starting on your journey as a small business owner! As you navigate the waters and try to stop your head from spinning, we figured it would be a great time to get your feet wet on the steps to building a great website for your small business.
Learn more about Building a Website for Your Small Business >>
3D Illustration of a computer with office and website-related icons around it

Does the World See You?

3D Illustration of a computer with office and website-related icons around it
It’s been over a year of some businesses struggling to stay alive as a result of the pandemic. This year has taught us how to restructure our teams, building work from home infrastructures, taking every precaution in the book for essential workers that are required to physically be around each other. We see new opportunities and new businesses rising f...
Learn more about Does the World See You? >>
Red mailbox with lots of envelopes flying out of it

Help! Series – My Mailbox is at Capacity

Red mailbox with lots of envelopes flying out of it
One of the most common support questions that we get at REM involves our clients email hosting, and we get it – if something isn’t working right with your business email it can be rather frustration. The most frequent issue that support receives is our clients reaching their mailbox capacity and cannot receive emails.
Learn more about Help! Series – My Mailbox is at Capacity >>
Woman using a laptop with the Webwizard login in the screen

Class is In Session

Woman using a laptop with the Webwizard login in the screen
Now that I have a few training sessions under my belt upon my return to REM, I’d like to share my experiences with you as a trainer, and as a fellow student. Once we have designed, built, tested and reviewed your website, we typically reach out and schedule a training session with you.
Learn more about Class is In Session >>
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